coming june 2024
Functional Diagnostic nutrition
A holistic health progam that naturally resolves symptoms and restores health!
Healing Recommendations
DRESS® for success:
- Discovering the right diet for your body - based on test results.
- Learning the secrets to resting + getting good sleep and how your test results reveal dysfunction.
- Finding the right balance of exercise that will enhance your body’s vital reserve and oxidative stress levels. Some people need to exercise more. Others need to exercise less.
- Releasing stress in all 5 aspects of your body: physical, emotional, mental, bio-chemical, and spiritual/energetic takes coaching. Some people may benefit from breathing exercises while others may need some energy atunements to release stuck trauma.
- Discover supplement and herbal protocols that address your personal hidden stressors evident in your lab results + comprehensive personal intake. Your suggested protocol is designed especially for YOU based on ALL the evidence we gather.
- Enjoy a life feeling good! Be nutritionally healthy, biochemically balanced, enjoy your sleep and relish in good mental health. It’s all here! You can grow a new body and live with an open heart!
Healing Recommendations
DRESS® for success:
- Discovering the right diet for your body - based on test results.
- Learning the secrets to resting + getting good sleep and how your test results reveal dysfunction.
- Finding the right balance of exercise that will enhance your body’s vital reserve and oxidative stress levels. Some people need to exercise more. Others need to exercise less.
- Releasing stress in all 5 aspects of your body: physical, emotional, mental, bio-chemical, and spiritual/energetic takes coaching. Some people may benefit from breathing exercises while others may need some energy atunements to release stuck trauma.
- Discover supplement and herbal protocols that address your personal hidden stressors evident in your lab results + comprehensive personal intake. Your suggested protocol is designed especially for YOU based on ALL the evidence we gather.
- Enjoy a life feeling good! Be nutritionally healthy, biochemically balanced, enjoy your sleep and relish in good mental health. It’s all here! You can grow a new body and live with an open heart!
90 or 180 DAY COACHING
Receive step by step instruction and personal guidance along the way.
Enjoy an online portal filled with short videos to help you organize your kitchen, build shopping lists, organize your supplements, practice breath work and other stress relieving activities, participate in live events and more!
Learn why your protocols for diet, rest, exercise, stress release and supplementation are paramount for health building.
Learn how to implement small and big changes to your diet and why.
Learn ways to get the best rest for you.
Discover either more or less exercise in your life by creating a fun + balanced movement program that’s enjoyable and builds vitality.
Learn how your symptoms correlate with your lab results and health history! Why are you fatigued? Why is your nose running? I explain why.
Learn stress release tools and turn them into regular habits.
Take specific supplements or herbal remedies to address your Metabolic Chaos®, relieving your biological symptoms.
Feel better and resolve your symptoms!
Enjoy a life free from chronic stress, chronic pain, unresolvable symptoms and relish in the NEW YOU!
3 or 6 month coaching plans are available.
During this free 30-minute call, we explore whether or not we are a good fit. I have some specific questions that will determine whether I can take you on as a client or not.
After enrollment, you will receive a Personal Life-style Questionnaire, a Health History Questionnaire, and my Terms and Conditions. You will complete these forms and return them to me. Once I have them, we schedule your commencement meeting.
Welcome + Introductory Meeting - 60 minutes
Learn more about the journey! Your home tests will arrive and we will discuss how to complete your tests. The first 5 test results will arrive in 14 - 21 business days after they are received by the labs. You will receive an introductory training to Coral Poppy’s FDN online portal and how access to me for questions.
Diet Session - 60 minutes
Your Diet Recommendations are revealed based on test results with Education, Personalized Elimination Strategy, Kitchen Preparation, Shopping Lists + Resources, and an additional training session on Coral Poppy’s FDN online portal.
Test Results + Recommendation Session (R + R)
Test result explanations and corresponding recommendations for DRESS - Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress Release + Supplementation. Supplement sequencing schedule and additional online portal training to access your recommendations + Corresponding Educational videos.
As your begin sequencing your supplements and implement your DRESS protocols, questions will arise! We will meet bi-weekly. Use the online portal for questions on alternate weeks.
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition
Coral Poppy’s FDN Coaching Program Portal
Included in your program is personalized coaching AND access to our online FDN portal and community. This portal is not on FaceBook.
This portal is filled with Spaces to help you succeed: The Diet Space, The Science Space, The Better Rest Space, The Stress Release Space, and The Exercise Space.
The Diet Space has educational health videos covering tips like how to prepare for this journey, what macronutrient ratios are best for your type, food elimination + substitution strategies, food shopping tricks, kitchen readiness and how to build menus and find recipes.
The Science Space explains the science behind your symptoms and how supplementation works. Learn about your hormones, digestion, detoxification abilities, immune functioning, your gut biome, your energy production and your nervous system. You will learn how detoxifying your home and environment will help you on your journey.
The Better Rest Space covers better sleep hygiene, what kinds of rest are best, and how to use rest to build vital reserve.
The Stress Release Space in the portal has guided meditations, breath work, sound experiences, simple energy medicine practices, and tips for how to implement easy stress reduction strategies to your life.
The Exercise Space has a some gentle exercise videos, but mainly, you’ll find short videos on the different types of exercise so you can learn about what’s best for you - based on your test results. Also in this space are strategies for exercise reduction, for those over exercisers and athletes who need to rest more to heal first.
You will have access to live events, retreats, a community of health-minded people and online messaging support with me!
This program is geared toward people who are ready to change their lives. On a scale of 1 - 10, what is your committment level?
Think carefully on this answer. You must be fully committed to make some big changes in your diet and life-style if you want to change your destiny.
If you want your life-span to equal your health-span, now is the time to create a life of longevity + wellness, a life without chronic conditions that lead to heart disease, autoimmune disease, diabetes, demmentia, cancer, infertility and other debilitating conditions.
What is your committment level?
Let’s work together.
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly to set up a 30-minute free call to discover if this program is for you. I can't wait to hear from you!