FDN is a Functional Health-Building Program that helps people build health, resolve chronic + complex health issues and end the long cycle of trial and error. FDN practitioners use specific lab tests and your comprehensive personal intake to create a full-spectrum body, mind, soul + spirit healing program.

As an FDN practitioner, I seek to find HIDDEN stressors in the body that cause dysfunction and lead to symptoms. I use strategic functional screenings along with your personal life-style history to identify healing opportunities in your life. Through coaching all-natural life-style shifts, self-care, and drug-free protocols in the areas of diet, rest, exercise, stress-reduction and supplementation, you raise function and resiliency while resolving these stressors and their interference. Through self-care, your health begins to restore, and eventually the innate intelligence of your body will heal itself and move toward homeostasis.

Test, Don’t guess!

All of the protocols suggested are based on your individual test results, your stress load and your health history. There is no one-size-fits-all plan for building longevity. Discover your individual needs to build a stronger, more vital, healthier you!

Soon, we will open our scheduler to book a one-on-one 40 minute call with Lisa to find if she can take you on as a functional medicine client.